Psychosocial Intervention


Psychosocial Intervention is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers in all areas relevant to Psychosocial Intervention. The Journal emphasizes an evidence-based perspective and welcomes unpublished papers reporting original basic and applied research, program evaluation, and intervention results. Psychosocial Intervention is committed to advance knowledge, and to provide scientific evidence informing psychosocial interventions tackling social and community problems. Psychosocial Intervention welcomes contributions from all areas of Psychology and allied disciplines, such as sociology, social work, public health, and social epidemiology.

2023 Impact Factor: 3.6  (Q1)

Clarivate Analytics (Journal Citation Reports, 2024)

Journal Metrics

Editor-in-Chief: Enrique Gracia




Which Psychosocial Strengths Could Combat the Adolescent Suicide Spectrum? Dissecting the Covitality Model

133 - 146

Raquel Falcó, Samuel Falcon, Beatriz Moreno-Amador, Jose A. Piqueras, and Juan C. Marzo

Vol. 33. Núm. 3. September 2024

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Care Competencies Training Enhances Adolescents’ Well-being: A Randomized Controlled Trial

147 - 169

Cat-Tuong Phuoc Nguyen, Wim Beyers, Martin Valcke, and Hong-Van T. Dinh

Vol. 33. Núm. 3. September 2024

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Understanding the Effect of Loneliness on Quality of Life in Older Adults from Longitudinal Approaches

171 - 178

Zaira Torres, Amparo Oliver, and José M. Tomás

Vol. 33. Núm. 3. September 2024

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A Controlled Evaluation of a Psychosocial Outreach Support Program for Adults with Severe Mental Illness

179 - 185

Melissa Savaglio, Ash Vincent, Marianne Bentley, Jasmine Gaul, Stuart Poke, Nicole Watson, Helen Skouteris

Vol. 33. Núm. 3. September 2024

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Integrated Motivational Strategies for Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators with Substance Use: A Randomized Controlled Trial

187 - 200

Cristina Expósito-Álvarez, Manuel Roldán-Pardo, Gail Gilchrist, and Marisol Lila

Vol. 33. Núm. 3. September 2024

Full TextPDF
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